Article written by: Vitor Mota
Routine tasks are increasingly being handed over to AI or to less skilled people. This increase the importance to develop the ability to see the path that company is following, or needs to follow, and adapt itself.
Seeing further to make the way is normal for people. Also, in business, and face to increasing stress and constant change this is more and more important. This is “vision.” Combine it with a strategy that shows results in a context of uncertainty, is the competence that we are looking for.
As we easily understand, it is not possible to see further behind if we spend time focused only on daily tasks.
We increasingly hear and read as essential to leadership, vision and share with the group on the goal to be achieved and the path to be taken. This is crucial in motivation and therefore achieving goals, both globally and departmentally.
So, analyzing in the market, trends and possible areas or products of demand, will be important in objectives definition, direction and goals.
This strategic definition and the relative interaction with employees and stakeholders will determine the success or failure of operations. Communication also plays an important role here.
Often, we’ll be necessary to include so-called innovation in the search for strategic solutions; we means the differentiating knowledge, which is crucial for the affirmation of quality and sustainability company or organization.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
Sun Tzu (545 aC.-470 aC.) General, Strategist and Chinese Philosopher