Article written by: Vitor Mota
Be capable of identify mistakes and its source as way to develop processes in a permanent manner, with innovative solutions, are responsibility of every employee.
“We are paid to find solutions to problems, not to complain about”, was what I always said to those close to me who protest about the many difficulties of daily life.
Then, we need to keep a clear vision about the purpose of each small operation and how to achieve it; Here the “zoom in and out” vision will play a determining role.
No less challenging is the definition of the point at which we find ourselves; The honesty of our analysis, even if it means calling our skills into question and the clarity of their definition, will be paramount in establishing what to do next.
Verifying what is not working, applying imagination and creativity will make all the difference in finding a solution to the problem and this is the competence we all are looking for today; where the acceleration of all processes requires quick thinking and responses.
In direct solutions application, unexpected difficulties often arise, and a good pilot project can solve or at least alleviate. Use every time is possible.
If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.
African Proverb