
04 - 02 - 2020

Article written by: Vitor Mota

Being able to communicate, understand and make oneself understood, with partners, suppliers and customers on a global level, with different habits, customs and linguistic codes requires specific skills.
Linguistics, as a discipline, aims to study language and its manifestations, providing models and concepts for better use of languages.
In a global society, we use several communication media and several languages, so being sensitive to that cultures and stories change language’s characteristics, allows us to be more assertive in communication.
On another hand, the mass language has been growing in informality; due to the lack of reading, at least in quality, from bombardment of “disposable” materials and Fake News, we verify today; this phenomenon hinders linguistic performance and communication.
Currently, we have witnessed a substantial increase in social conflicts arising from linguistic errors, which is latent in medias and which also occurs within organizations, whether business or not.
The development of linguistic competence is fundamental for the performance of companies in an increasingly global market and most important the more multinational the company’s action and mission is.

“To speak a language is to take a culture on a world.”
Frantz Fanon, (1925 – 1961) psiciatrist, philisifist writer and essayist fron Marthinics, France