Privacy Statement

28 - 05 - 2018

Article written by: Vitor Mota

Scope of Application and Responsibility HCCT provides consultancy and training services and has as one of its commitments the protection of people's privacy and consequently their data, in the various areas of interaction with its partners.
With the entry into force of the General Regulation on Data Protection (EU), on May 25, 2018, HCCT's commitment in this regard will be accentuated. accessed through a link on the HCCT website. Additionally, it is up to the user to take precautions and ensure that the information he removes does not contain characteristics of a harmful nature. The HCCT Privacy Policy describes the relevant points about the data that is collected, for what purposes, how you can consult them, among others.

Data Collection

Your data when collected, processed and stored by HCCT – Formação e Consultoria Lda., headquartered at Travessa Cruzes do Monte 46, 4470-169 – Maia, with NIF 513 469 508; by any means of interaction, it happens in interactions with HCCT, namely: 1. Commercial process;
2. Requests for information and registration for training services;
3. General requests for information;
Download guides and other documentation;
4. Event management (face-to-face and/or online);
5. Recruitment or spontaneous application processes;
6. Training actions.
Depending on the nature of the interaction and depending on what is necessary, HCCT may request some personal data, such as: name, email, address/location, telephone number, identification document/tax identification number, date of birth, gender, nationality, academic qualifications , employment status and/or bank/payment details.

Why We Collect Data

HCCT collects and processes your strictly necessary data, which are only requested when related to the purpose in question, in accordance with your consent and for legitimate purposes, such as:

1. Provide an adequate and targeted response to requests for information/proposal;
2. Communicate better with you, for relevant matters and only with the necessary frequency, according to the characterization of your data and your preferences;
3. Fulfill business purposes, namely statistical data to improve the performance of the various services provided;
4. Comply with the requirements of the accrediting entities, on which the validity of the certificates of some of the services provided depends, namely, training actions;
5. Invoicing services/products, such as training actions.
Whenever there is no specific legal obligation, personal data are processed by HCCT only for the period of time necessary to carry out the defined purpose.

Data Sharing

HCCT may communicate your personal data to third parties only when strictly necessary and guaranteeing that they process said personal data solely and exclusively for the fulfillment of the indicated purposes.

Where applicable, we will share your information with:

1. Regulatory entities, for the purpose of verifying the compliance of the activities provided by the HCCT;
2. Entities with which the HCCT has an operational partnership, for the purpose of carrying out the activities included therein.
The processing of user data may be carried out by a suitable service provider, hired by HCCT. Said service provider will exclusively treat the data for the purposes established by the HCCT and in compliance with the instructions issued by it, strictly complying with the legal rules on the protection of personal data, information security and other applicable rules.

Data Protection Rights

You can exercise, at any time, your rights contemplated in the General Regulation on Data Protection, such as: access, rectification, limitation or deletion of your personal data.
If the use of your personal data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw it, without compromising the validity of the data processing carried out up to that moment.
In case you request any type of request in relation to your data, you may be asked for proof of identification, for security and protection reasons, towards the data subject.

For any question related to this matter, you should contact the HCCT via email

Security of Personal Data

We use a set of appropriate security technologies and procedures to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, through security policies in line with the best information security practices.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will be updated when required by law or deemed relevant. When we publish changes to this policy, we will simultaneously change the respective “update date”.
We recommend that you periodically consult our privacy policy to stay informed about how HCCT protects your Personal Data and stay up to date on the information and rights that assist you.